Fast Start
1. Go to the Hire section and look for some operatives and defensive units
2. Go to purchase and buy some drugs, alcohol to make your guys happy. Also get weapons for your defensive units. Keep in mind that defensive units without weapons can't help in anyway. Also keep an eye on your guys happiness. It's easy to keep them happy but if you don't they will start leaving you.
3. Start buy making money by collecting money from your operatives to supply your gang with drugs and guns they need.
4. When you get enough turns, go get some more operatives and defensive units and repeat from step 1
5. When you feel strong and rich enough.You can attack other gangsters in your range. Be careful, nobody will let you attack them without revenge. This is the Hood, so kill or be killed.
6. Don't forget to protect part of your money in the safe or you can lose it if somebody smokes you.
7. Join a family since you won't be able to survive by yourself. Otherwise start your own.
8. Finally, enjoy the game as much as you can and watch your back
Each round will last 10 days to make it fair for newcomers,plus it gives everyone a better chance to win. Once the round ends everything starts over from scratch you can change your name, family name, everything. You don't carry anything from one round to the next, this mean no money, guy's, and any turns (you'll see more about turns in the next section)
Turns & Reserves
Turns is what you use to do everything. For example: to attack someone, it requires atleast 4 turns. Every 10 minutes you will receive a certain amount of turns, depending on the rounds settings. Each round, you also start off with a given amount of reserves. Reserves are also basically turns, except reserves can be saved for later in the round until you decide to use them. If you choose you can purchase turns or subscriptions to build an even stronger Gang.
Awards are given to Mafiaso based on their networth ranking. So here is how networth is calculated:
Drug Dealers ($3,000) + Hustlers ($2,500) + Bitches ($2,000) + Thieves ($1,500) + Wanna-Bee's ($750) + Murderers ($2,500) + Gangster ($500) + cash + bank + BMW 740 ($10,000) + Cadillac Escalade ($30,000) + Leer Jet ($70,000) + Yacht ($350,000) + alcohol ($1) + Weed ($2) + Ecstasy ($5)
Mafiaguyz is a simulation of life in the inner city. Just like the real hood, you can join gangs - a group of people who believe in the same thing, have the same ideas or just trust each other. A gang brings protection, it brings respect from other members and it gives you trust in other members. Trust and respect can save your life, but it can also get you killed. gangs have a size limit of 20 members per gang.
One of the basics of gang life is to be able to do things your way and not end up in jail. Partly this is accomplished by not doing any crimes yourself, instead paying others to do so. In order to maintain your gang under control, you'll need different types of boys to perform all the different tasks and duties. To employ members, just use your turns and look in the place where you would find the kinda of boys you need.
Operatives are the kind of units that would work the neighborhoods and produce for you.
* Drug Dealers - supply your guys with drugs and help push your product on the street.
* Bitches - work the street corner and allow you to pimp them out if you keep them happy.
* Hustlers - Just as thier name states, they hustle the streets to make you cash with scams and different card games.
* Thieves - Rob the neighborhood blind to make money for you.
Defensive Units
* Defensive units are units that would protect you and your operatives, and would attack other gangsters.
* Murderers - Strongest DUs on the street.
* Wanna-Bee's - are not as strong or do not have as good as a kill ratio as murderers, but you receive more when hiring so they can be used for protection
* Thugs - Easiest to acquire, but not very good on attacking.
Having your gang happy is one of the most important things that you would be looking after. If your operatives or defensive units are not happy, they would start leaving you as soon as you ask them to operate.
Your operatives need some alcohol and Ecstasy to be happy. They would also need to have defensive units to protect them at work which would make them happy as well. Your operatives payroll is also a part of their happiness.
You defensive units need liquor and weed to be happy. They insist to have from 2 glocks to 1 ak47 per defensive unit to be happy with AK 47 being the best.
In the Hood you are able to get whatever you need for your guys. Your able to buy drugs, weapons, cars and even yachts. You could sell cars and planes for 80% of their price. You could also sell drugs at wholesale price
* Narcotics are mainly used to make your guys happy. Your defensive units need liquor and weed to be happy. Your operatives need liquor and Ecstasy to be happy too. Try to get a big stock of them.
* Weapons are used for attacks and are important for you guys happiness. You could get 9 MMs, sawed-off shotguns, uzis and ak47. The more expensive the weapon, the more kills it makes.
* Cars are used to do a drive-by or to steal other gangsters cars. The BMW only takes 6 persons and the Escalades takes 12 persons.
* Planes are used to travel to other cities to attack other Gangsters. When you get your Leer jet you don't need to pay for plane tickets. The Leer jet can take up to 60 guys.
* Yachts are mainly used to hide cash and serve as real estate. They are hard to steal but other than a safe haven for cash dont serve any other purpose
Collecting are part of your illegal activities. So you could use turns to collect Ecs, weed, alcohol.
* Your Drug Dealers are used to produce Ecstasy and weed in you drug lab
* Your Hustlers are used to make money on the street
* Your Theives are used to steal and make money
* Your Bitches are used to pimp out and make money for your gang
Cash and the bank
Just like the real world, you have a safe and cash you keep on hand to spend. The money you use anywhere is the cash you have on hand. However, keeping money in your pocket is risky. Another gangster can smoke you and take whatever you have there. So, depositing a part of it in the safe is smart. You are able to put 25% of your money wich will cost you 25 turns each time. Later, if you want to add more money in safebox, you would have to withdraw all the money and put 25% of all the cash you got back in the safe. You can withdraw it when you need it at anytime for free.
From your cash on hand you can also transfer money to other gangsters. This can be useful if you need to pay them for hits, bribe them, or just give a cut of your loot.
There are 5 different types of attacks. To attack a player, go to the attack or goto find the gangster you want to attack and click on his name. When you are viewing his profile, click on attack!!!. If you see Out of Range, you may not attack this gangster. Mafiaguyz will automatically take your best gang members armed with the best weapon you got them in order to have the most efficient attacks.
* HeadQuarter Invasions - Most common attack done by Gangsters. Invade your enemies headquarter and smoke his defensive units! You could also steal money if you killed enough of his defensives
* Raid Businesses - Invade your enemies businesses and whack his defensive units and operatives! You will be able to kill some operatives if you killed enough of his defensives
* Raid Drug Labs - Invade your enemies drug labs and steal their alchohol and drugs
* Drive-by - This attack is sort of like HQ invasion, except the enemy has a harder time killing your guys in the drive-by. You do a drive-by with as many people that get in your cars.
* Stealing cars - In order to steal someones cars, you will need to make sure all of his defensive units are dead. You can only steal cars if you have enough cars and enough guys
* Steal Yachts - In order to steal someones Yachts, you will need to make sure all of his defensive units are dead. You can only steal planes if you got few planes and enough guys
* Steal Jets - In order to steal someones Jets, you will need to make sure all of his defensive units are dead. You can only steal planes if you got a few planes and enough guys
The revenge is an option that would give you the chance to hit back when somebody attacks you. Whenever somebody attacks you, you will have a revenge (unlimited attacks) on him for 30hrs even if he is out of range or hit too much today. You could check your revenges in your mail box
If somebody attacks you, you got a revenge on him but he will get a revenge on you as soon as you attack him back.
Traveling is used for different purposes: running away from someone that is trying to kill you, Running to someone your trying to kill, or traveling from and to your hometown where your gang is located.

1. Go to the Hire section and look for some operatives and defensive units
2. Go to purchase and buy some drugs, alcohol to make your guys happy. Also get weapons for your defensive units. Keep in mind that defensive units without weapons can't help in anyway. Also keep an eye on your guys happiness. It's easy to keep them happy but if you don't they will start leaving you.
3. Start buy making money by collecting money from your operatives to supply your gang with drugs and guns they need.
4. When you get enough turns, go get some more operatives and defensive units and repeat from step 1
5. When you feel strong and rich enough.You can attack other gangsters in your range. Be careful, nobody will let you attack them without revenge. This is the Hood, so kill or be killed.
6. Don't forget to protect part of your money in the safe or you can lose it if somebody smokes you.
7. Join a family since you won't be able to survive by yourself. Otherwise start your own.
8. Finally, enjoy the game as much as you can and watch your back
Each round will last 10 days to make it fair for newcomers,plus it gives everyone a better chance to win. Once the round ends everything starts over from scratch you can change your name, family name, everything. You don't carry anything from one round to the next, this mean no money, guy's, and any turns (you'll see more about turns in the next section)
Turns & Reserves
Turns is what you use to do everything. For example: to attack someone, it requires atleast 4 turns. Every 10 minutes you will receive a certain amount of turns, depending on the rounds settings. Each round, you also start off with a given amount of reserves. Reserves are also basically turns, except reserves can be saved for later in the round until you decide to use them. If you choose you can purchase turns or subscriptions to build an even stronger Gang.
Awards are given to Mafiaso based on their networth ranking. So here is how networth is calculated:
Drug Dealers ($3,000) + Hustlers ($2,500) + Bitches ($2,000) + Thieves ($1,500) + Wanna-Bee's ($750) + Murderers ($2,500) + Gangster ($500) + cash + bank + BMW 740 ($10,000) + Cadillac Escalade ($30,000) + Leer Jet ($70,000) + Yacht ($350,000) + alcohol ($1) + Weed ($2) + Ecstasy ($5)
Mafiaguyz is a simulation of life in the inner city. Just like the real hood, you can join gangs - a group of people who believe in the same thing, have the same ideas or just trust each other. A gang brings protection, it brings respect from other members and it gives you trust in other members. Trust and respect can save your life, but it can also get you killed. gangs have a size limit of 20 members per gang.
One of the basics of gang life is to be able to do things your way and not end up in jail. Partly this is accomplished by not doing any crimes yourself, instead paying others to do so. In order to maintain your gang under control, you'll need different types of boys to perform all the different tasks and duties. To employ members, just use your turns and look in the place where you would find the kinda of boys you need.
Operatives are the kind of units that would work the neighborhoods and produce for you.
* Drug Dealers - supply your guys with drugs and help push your product on the street.
* Bitches - work the street corner and allow you to pimp them out if you keep them happy.
* Hustlers - Just as thier name states, they hustle the streets to make you cash with scams and different card games.
* Thieves - Rob the neighborhood blind to make money for you.
Defensive Units
* Defensive units are units that would protect you and your operatives, and would attack other gangsters.
* Murderers - Strongest DUs on the street.
* Wanna-Bee's - are not as strong or do not have as good as a kill ratio as murderers, but you receive more when hiring so they can be used for protection
* Thugs - Easiest to acquire, but not very good on attacking.
Having your gang happy is one of the most important things that you would be looking after. If your operatives or defensive units are not happy, they would start leaving you as soon as you ask them to operate.
Your operatives need some alcohol and Ecstasy to be happy. They would also need to have defensive units to protect them at work which would make them happy as well. Your operatives payroll is also a part of their happiness.
You defensive units need liquor and weed to be happy. They insist to have from 2 glocks to 1 ak47 per defensive unit to be happy with AK 47 being the best.
In the Hood you are able to get whatever you need for your guys. Your able to buy drugs, weapons, cars and even yachts. You could sell cars and planes for 80% of their price. You could also sell drugs at wholesale price
* Narcotics are mainly used to make your guys happy. Your defensive units need liquor and weed to be happy. Your operatives need liquor and Ecstasy to be happy too. Try to get a big stock of them.
* Weapons are used for attacks and are important for you guys happiness. You could get 9 MMs, sawed-off shotguns, uzis and ak47. The more expensive the weapon, the more kills it makes.
* Cars are used to do a drive-by or to steal other gangsters cars. The BMW only takes 6 persons and the Escalades takes 12 persons.
* Planes are used to travel to other cities to attack other Gangsters. When you get your Leer jet you don't need to pay for plane tickets. The Leer jet can take up to 60 guys.
* Yachts are mainly used to hide cash and serve as real estate. They are hard to steal but other than a safe haven for cash dont serve any other purpose
Collecting are part of your illegal activities. So you could use turns to collect Ecs, weed, alcohol.
* Your Drug Dealers are used to produce Ecstasy and weed in you drug lab
* Your Hustlers are used to make money on the street
* Your Theives are used to steal and make money
* Your Bitches are used to pimp out and make money for your gang
Cash and the bank
Just like the real world, you have a safe and cash you keep on hand to spend. The money you use anywhere is the cash you have on hand. However, keeping money in your pocket is risky. Another gangster can smoke you and take whatever you have there. So, depositing a part of it in the safe is smart. You are able to put 25% of your money wich will cost you 25 turns each time. Later, if you want to add more money in safebox, you would have to withdraw all the money and put 25% of all the cash you got back in the safe. You can withdraw it when you need it at anytime for free.
From your cash on hand you can also transfer money to other gangsters. This can be useful if you need to pay them for hits, bribe them, or just give a cut of your loot.
There are 5 different types of attacks. To attack a player, go to the attack or goto find the gangster you want to attack and click on his name. When you are viewing his profile, click on attack!!!. If you see Out of Range, you may not attack this gangster. Mafiaguyz will automatically take your best gang members armed with the best weapon you got them in order to have the most efficient attacks.
* HeadQuarter Invasions - Most common attack done by Gangsters. Invade your enemies headquarter and smoke his defensive units! You could also steal money if you killed enough of his defensives
* Raid Businesses - Invade your enemies businesses and whack his defensive units and operatives! You will be able to kill some operatives if you killed enough of his defensives
* Raid Drug Labs - Invade your enemies drug labs and steal their alchohol and drugs
* Drive-by - This attack is sort of like HQ invasion, except the enemy has a harder time killing your guys in the drive-by. You do a drive-by with as many people that get in your cars.
* Stealing cars - In order to steal someones cars, you will need to make sure all of his defensive units are dead. You can only steal cars if you have enough cars and enough guys
* Steal Yachts - In order to steal someones Yachts, you will need to make sure all of his defensive units are dead. You can only steal planes if you got few planes and enough guys
* Steal Jets - In order to steal someones Jets, you will need to make sure all of his defensive units are dead. You can only steal planes if you got a few planes and enough guys
The revenge is an option that would give you the chance to hit back when somebody attacks you. Whenever somebody attacks you, you will have a revenge (unlimited attacks) on him for 30hrs even if he is out of range or hit too much today. You could check your revenges in your mail box
If somebody attacks you, you got a revenge on him but he will get a revenge on you as soon as you attack him back.
Traveling is used for different purposes: running away from someone that is trying to kill you, Running to someone your trying to kill, or traveling from and to your hometown where your gang is located.